Aug 29, 2019 | Leadership, Podcast
Whatever your role in ministry — whether a senior pastor, a ministry leader, or a volunteer — it can be easy to get discouraged when you are not seeing much external fruitfulness. In part two of this interview, Pastor Carter and Mike Bryant explore how leaders can help others maximize their role in fruitful ministry.
Aug 22, 2019 | Adversity, Leadership, Podcast
Whatever your role in ministry — whether a senior pastor, a ministry leader, or a volunteer — it can be easy to get discouraged when you are not seeing much external fruitfulness. In this episode, Pastor Carter interviews special guest Mike Bryant, pastor and church planter, about not becoming discouraged and not taking too much responsibility for ministry.
Nov 27, 2018 | Blog, Goals, Leadership
When people see that you are competent at doing things, they’re going to ask you to do more things. However, you will become less effective, and less helpful to God and others when the pace of life is left unchecked, unmanaged, and unconsidered.
Jul 12, 2018 | Blog
Devoting everything to the pursuit of success may ‘gain’ us something, but it does not bring satisfaction or give meaning to life, and death will erase all of it.