Feb 2, 2020 | Sermon
Are you exhausted? Or maybe feeling complacent? Everybody feels defeated from time to time. But are you in a pattern of feeling hopeless constantly? Pastor Mark Carter reminds us that there are still arrows in our quiver and offers some energizing and encouraging words to help us continue on a righteous path.
Dec 1, 2019 | Sermon, Spiritual Growth
If you follow Jesus, you have one job: to make disciples who make disciples. Pastor Mark Carter goes to the “mountain” and gives us some pro tips on how to invest in people and do our one job the way Jesus did it.
Sep 29, 2019 | Sermon
How do you keep going when you’re feeling stretched? Pastor Mark Carter encourages us with one of the most legendary examples of keeping the faith.
Sep 22, 2019 | Sermon
Is it possible that the biggest challenge you’re facing right now is God’s way of stretching you? Pastor Mark Carter offers insight into how God works in us to strengthen us to go beyond where we are today.
Dec 6, 2018 | Blog
If you’re the leader, you’re responsible for creating a culture where people can tell the truth.