
Two Humility Reminders for the Highly Competent

Leadership Lesson: Refusing to absorb people’s responsibilities doesn’t mean you’re unloving.

A Leader’s Most Under-Appreciated Asset: The Holy Spirit

A Leader’s Most Under-Appreciated Asset: The Holy Spirit

Could you use more direction from the Holy Spirit? (The answer is “Yes”).

While it would not be correct to describe the Holy Spirit as a chatterbox, it’s also wrong to say that He doesn’t speak, guide and instruct those who seek His direction.

Faithfulness is the Right Heart-Set of a Leader

Faithfulness is the Right Heart-Set of a Leader

Faithfulness is the right heart-set of a leader. But we often miss the lessons faithfulness would teach us because we are so eager to get out of the season we’re in and into the NEXT one.

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Bible Leadership is a ministry of Fierce Church.

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