Stay Focused
Two Leadership Seasons That Need Special Attention
You know God’s calling on your life. You’re on the path and boldly stepping forward toward the vision He has provided, but internally you’re struggling with feelings of anxiety, frustration, and inadequacy. Sound familiar? It’s easy to compare our start with someone else’s middle or end, but God has a plan in all of the seasons of leadership. In today’s episode, Carter discusses with Pastor Mark Albrecht of NorthBridge Church his personal experience persevering through the two key seasons of leadership.
What Should We Learn From Leaders Who Have a Public Moral Failure? (Part 2)
It seems like leaders are falling more and more these days. How does this happen? What leads to these tragedies? How is the Church dealing with the aftermath? In this episode, Carter wraps up his interview with Pastor Scott Chapman of The Chapel to discover what we can learn from leaders who have a public moral failure.
Leaders Have Problems – and That’s a Good Thing
The function of a leader is to handle problems, but without balance, that can become exhausting. How do we rest in the midst of problems?
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