Nine Things Leaders Are Not Responsible For
Refusing to absorb people’s responsibilities doesn’t mean you’re unloving.
Refusing to absorb people’s responsibilities doesn’t mean you’re unloving.
The most pivotal season of a dreamer is when they’re in the dungeon.
We stand on the edge of an election in the United States that is filling many with concern, dread and even anger. We have never witnessed so much polarization that is a part of not only this world but even the church. Today, we are going to discuss what Jesus has to say about politics and in the words of the late great Luke Skywalker, “this talk is not going to go the way you think.”
Do you ever find yourself trying to do everything you can to earn back God’s favor after you’ve messed up?
As Christians, our true allegiance lies to our King as citizens of Heaven. But while we’re here on earth, how do we interact with politics in a way that makes us stand out from the crowd?