A Pattern for Partnering with the Holy Spirit in Ministry

In our hurting world, we have endless opportunities to minister to others, and it’s so needed. But, are you taking advantage of the authority given to you to minister like Jesus? Pastor Jamie Wamsley shares a simple but profound model, a step by step how-to partner with God to encourage others in a way we alone are utterly incapable.

The Problem of Shallow Christianity

How would you rate your Kingdom comprehension? Is Christianity simply a box we check, a free pass to heaven, or is there more to the story? Join Pastors Carter and Jamie Wamsley as they delve deep into what Jesus’ Gospel shows us about the Kingdom of God and what it could mean to the Church and our lives, today.

Leadership Regrets: Not Observing the Sabbath

Ministry is exciting and busy, especially in the beginning! When we leaders get so wrapped up that we fail to observe the Sabbath, however, we are living by our own strength, which 100% of the time falls short. God wants to do more, and will when we obey and abide. In this episode, Carter and Rick Egbert discuss the hows and whys of working from rest, instead of the other way around.