Building Your Confidence to Take the Shot
Most of us could use a little more confidence. In this episode, we talk about why confidence matters and four areas we need to repeatedly choose to be confident as leaders.
Most of us could use a little more confidence. In this episode, we talk about why confidence matters and four areas we need to repeatedly choose to be confident as leaders.
As we participate in spiritual battles we must face our weaknesses. Pastor Mark Carter shows us “what not to wear” and how to put on the body armor of God’s righteousness.
It can become easy to become discouraged, to wallow in self-pity, and even give in to self-hate if we’re always meditating on where we aren’t, who we’re not, and what we haven’t accomplished compared to those who appear to have their acts together. When negative self-talk comes seeping into our brains about ourselves, it’s time to course-correct our thought-life.
Bible CONFIDENCE is faith in God that He is going to use your strengths, skills, and even weaknesses to accomplish His purposes. This kind of CONFIDENCE is an AMAZING advantage and results in a different view of ourselves and many more wins over the long haul.