Mar 18, 2018 | Blog
I LOVE movies. The most impacting movie I’ve seen in awhile is The Heart of Man, currently showing on Netflix. Porn and sexual vice are a SEWAGE LINE that flows beneath the surface of our society. It is polluting the lives of the people you love and isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.
Mar 13, 2018 | Blog
Sometimes I think back to who I was 15 years ago. I didn’t have even close to the same opportunities or privileges. Even so, even amidst financial challenges, several kids in diapers, and severe sickness, things were simpler then. There were deep lessons I was learning which would profit me to reflect more on today. It’s weird how you can spend so much of a season learning a particular lesson, and yet as time passes, those very lessons become obscured.
Mar 3, 2018 | Blog
Have you ever felt like you’ve missed the opportunities that others are leveraging, you don’t have the courage to believe for anything more happening, or if that (marriage, getting pregnant, a better career) were going to happen, it would have happened by now? Good news: If you’re still breathing, it’s not too late to see a move of God.
Feb 19, 2018 | Blog
If there is one thing that holds aspiring leaders back more than anything else I’ve seen, it is a lack of reliability. Unreliability will LOSE someone a great job, an open door, the investment of a leader, or an incredible opportunity.
Jan 22, 2018 | Blog
There is only so much room in our hearts. We can’t love everything. We can’t always be filled up with a devotion to the coolest clothes, hippest hashtag, or latest trends AND be filled up with fresh, filling, after-Thanksgiving-dinner-satisfied love for Jesus at the same time.