Oct 23, 2018 | Blog
It can become easy to become discouraged, to wallow in self-pity, and even give in to self-hate if we’re always meditating on where we aren’t, who we’re not, and what we haven’t accomplished compared to those who appear to have their acts together. When negative self-talk comes seeping into our brains about ourselves, it’s time to course-correct our thought-life.
Oct 16, 2018 | Blog, Goals, Leadership
Discipline will equip us better for every trial and opportunity up ahead, but LACK of discipline will cripple otherwise obvious opportunities to excel, grow, and bring lasting impact to our lives and the lives around us.
Oct 3, 2018 | Blog
No matter how long we are in leadership circles and regardless of how long we’ve been a Christian, receiving feedback can be difficult.
Sep 21, 2018 | Blog, Podcast
The Apostle Paul didn’t think it was wise to be unaware of Satan’s schemes, and we shouldn’t be either. It’s always an advantage to consider the tactics of the enemy, and one often overlooked device is his commitment to wear you down.
Sep 5, 2018 | Blog, Spiritual Growth
Like it or not, you have a spiritual enemy who would love to DESTROY your leadership. And if you have ever struggled with LUST, this will be one of his main strategies to do it. Any time we feed an impulse to satisfy our human desire for physical, intimate connection that is outside the boundaries of God’s word, we are giving ground in our hearts to a rival of Jesus.